Blackberry Spritz

This is perfect for the big game or anytime. You can use club soda or sparkling water for this.

8 blackberries 

2 tsp. sugar

4 mint leaves

4 c. approx (1 liter bottle) club soda or sparkling water 


Place 4 clean glasses in freezer to chill for a few minutes.

Rinse blackberries, mint, pat dry mint leaves, set aside.

For each drink:

Remove glasses from freezer.

In the bottom of glass, place some of the sugar, blackberries, 1 mint leaf.

With the back of clean spoon, muddle mint leaves, blackberries, sugar together.

Add ice, top off drink with club soda. 

Stir for a few seconds with a clean spoon or a clean straw, if desired.

Serves 4.


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